Monday, November 2, 2009

Here we go again...

So, when you think you are planning for life to go a certain way, remember, at a moments notice, all that can change. For example, let me tell you a story.

6 years ago, I was a fairly typical girl in high school. Looking forward to flying the coop, I had been sending away for college applications since my freshman year. Studying abroad was all I could think about.

With a school all picked out 5000 miles from home and an excitement to see the world, I met a boy.

Though I didn't go off to the school I planned on attending, together with the love of my life, I've seen more then I ever dreamed of seeing. I've traveled to more countries, taken more road trips, and taken the photos I thought I'd have to wait a life time to take.

Some days not know what we'd do next, we finished our degree's at Portland State University.
Then we moved "back home". A place that at one point I can remember saying that "I'd never live there". Funny thing when we have to eat our words.

As a young woman, I didn't know the heart-ache that would follow the indescribable excitement of becoming pregnant. A labor and birth that would leave us with aching hearts and empty arms. A year following full of healing and recovery.

Life and her lessons have made us who we are. For that, I don't believe I would change anything.

Now, here we are, working through an adoption process that seems impossible some days. We were selected again last week for two brothers. We don't know when we will go to committee yet. It seems like such a long wait just to hear if we will get selected. Even then, we have to go up against two other families, and the committee chooses one to be the forever family. We have already been here once. Waiting to hear the news. At the decision of a committee, we may or may not have finished our wait. How does one wait for something without it consuming your thoughts? I constantly find myself drifting of to the land of "What IF"...

Okay it is difficult, but we manage. And hey, good things are worth waiting for right? So round two here we come. I can't help but cross my fingers, but I know things are out of our hands. Be anxious for nothing...

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

P.S. Please don't feel bad if you didn't know yet, we've only told our parents. We still don't know enough details to call everyone yet!


  1. I can't imagine how hard it would be to wait for something like this, good luck at your committee interview, we're so excited for you.

  2. i remember when you said you weren't the least bit interested in that boy...and then a while later watched God change your heart, fall in love then marry the love of your life :) God's plans are so much higher than our you Lyss!
